19 Sep

My Best 25 Trades Since I Started In March


I’ve been up as much as $50,000 since I’ve started trading along with my subscribers this past March.

Tonight I’m breaking down my moves so we can make more money moving forward.

We’ll go over these winners and the losers Thursday night at our 9pm EST webinar in chat.

Here are my top 25 alerts since starting this newsletter after I walked away from teaching to be a trader.

All trades are 3rd party verified through Profit.ly

#1 CMCI long $14,531 profit

#2 LOCM long $6,221 profit

#3 SHMX long $4,056 profit

#4 SHMX short $3,400 profit

#5 COOL long $3,276 profit

#6 GSTP long $2,940 profit

#7 BAC long $2,766 profit

#8 ZLCS long $2,760 profit

#9 MDFI long $2,604 profit

#10 DMD long $2,479 profit

#11 GNTA long $2,400 profit

#12 AOL long $2,267 profit

#13 SAPX short $2,250 profit

#14 CMCI long $2,128 profit

#15 JAMN long $2,120 profit

#16 LOCM long $2,111 profit

#17 BAC long $2,105 profit

#18 GPL long $2,084 profit

#19 COOL long $2,036 profit

#20 SIRI long $2,010 profit

#21 CLNO long $1,871 profit

#22 JBII long $1,820 profit

#23 CHTL long $1,805 profit

#24 PPRTF long $1,784 profit

#25 BAC short $1,765 profit

Click here to see my worst 25 trades since I started in March


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