22 Apr

My Latest Venture… Beginners Get Ready


Starting Monday I’ll be launching another program designed to build a $7,000 account into a day trading account. This won’t be easy but I am confident I can do it. There isn’t as much room for error with a smaller account but with solid research and more short term trades it’s entirely possible. This means I’ll be trading out of two accounts through E*Trade moving forward and I’ll keep you up updated one which accounts hold what positions. I’ll also keep you posted on the account balances so we can start to track my progress. As always, I’ll continue to upload all my trades to Profit.ly. Details about how I plan to deliver my trading strategy alerts etc… will be out in an email Sunday morning. Understand this will not change anything that I’ve been doing with my original alert service I started back in January… it will just give anyone trading with a few thousand dollars to the opportunity to follow my strategy as well.


  1. tim the teacher

    Can I use Scottrade or would ETrade be better?

    • Jason Bond

      I like ETrade Pro so I’d have to say ETrade but I’ve never used Scottrade so I can’t draw a comparison.

  2. tim the teacher

    Thanks for the advice. pennystocklive is my summer school!!! looking forward to getting out of the game like you!!!


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