25 Apr

Potential Swings; 7 Liquid Small Cap Stocks Between $1 and $2: HUSA, MVIS, HOV, GSS, GMXR, GERN, SCEI


I think there are some monster winners in here. My favorites are MVIS, HUSA and GERN but I’ll be monitoring all 7 and there’s a good chance I’ll be moving on some of these with my premium members.

The criteria I scan for is at least $1 million in dollar volume, a Beta above 1 and preferably 2, a market cap around $50m and $2b and the more short interest the better. There’s a good mix of oversold plays and continuation patterns here. I prefer NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ but I don’t mind getting my hands dirty in OTCBB land if it means I can lock a profit.

Houston American Energy Corp. (AMEX:HUSA) engages in the acquisition, exploration, exploitation, development, and production of natural gas and crude oil properties in the U.S. Gulf Coast region and South America. HUSA stock has a Beta of 1.85, short interest of 4 days to cover and a market cap of $56 million. Definitely one of my favorites.

Microvision (NASDAQ:MVIS) engages in the development of miniature laser display and imaging engines based upon its proprietary PicoP display engine technology. MVIS stock has a Beta of 2.27, short interest of 9 days to cover and a market cap of $33 million. Probably my favorite.

Hovnanian Enterprises Inc (NYSE:HOV) designs, constructs, markets, and sells residential homes in the United States. HOV stock has a Beta of 3.36 (Oh yea!), short interest of 3 days to cover and a market cap of $192 million.

Golden Star Resources Ltd (AMEX:GSS) engages in the acquisition, exploration, development, and operation of gold properties. GSS stock has a Beta of 1.45, short interest of 5 days to cover and a market cap of $413 million.

Gmx Resources Inc (NASDAQ:GMXR) operates as an independent oil and natural gas exploration and production company primarily in the United States. GMXR stock has a Beta of 3.16 (Boom!), short interest of 6 days to cover and a market cap of $86 million.

Geron Corp. (NASDAQ:GERN) is a bio-pharmaceutical company developing therapies for cancer. GERN stock has a Beta of 1.67, short interest of 10 days to cover (My wheel house) and a market cap of $225 million. Definite favorite to run before earnings, was on this video last week too at $1.60.

Sino Clean Energy Inc. (NASDAQ:SCEI) operates as a third party commercial producer and distributor of coal-water slurry fuel in the People’s Republic of China. SCEI stock has a Beta of 3.39 (Ya baby!), short interest of 1 day to cover and a market cap of $45 million.

1. Expand 2. Play 3. Select 1080p for HD


  1. Danny

    Thanx Jason, I really like the charted discussions, I see I need to learn more about candle sticks. Your commentary –very educational

    • Jason Bond

      Sure thing Danny, many more coming with some lessons to support the material being discussed. Thanks for taking the time to write, I appreciate it. Cheers, J.

  2. Robin Burrough

    Am I signed up for your 90 day trial . Not sure if all my information went through.

    • Jason Bond

      Hi Robin, email me because I don’t see you in the system. We’ll figure it out. J.

    • Steven

      There’s a 90 day trial?! How do I try that?

      • Jason Bond

        There are no trials sorry, I have a boatload of paying subscribers and no time to give away trials.

  3. Kelvo72

    Great watch list Jason, really saves me some quality family time, not having to spend two hrs doing this myself, and, hey, what’s the point, with a list like tha. Awsome.

    Cheers jason

    • Jason Bond

      Thanks Kelvin, I appreciate your business.

  4. ron

    how you figure your short intrest and time tables. Where is that info? Rad was a great call as far as movement went. I like your system to pick movers, I like your tight stops, this is where I sometimes get into trouble. Thanks for your input.

    • Jason Bond

      Hi Ron. Nasdaq.com has a good short interest table, I use that. Appreciate your feedback. J.

  5. Tim

    Jason, Great calls for Thursday watch list. I was going to buy HUSA, but shyed away because of the Investigation I read about. I wish I would have followed your lead and can you shed any light about the investigation?

    • Jason Bond

      Thanks Tim. I read about it but that stuff doesn’t stop me from swing trading it for a day or two with limited exposure. Even bad companies bounce, all I try to do is time the short squeeze. Cheers, J.

  6. ardian

    i appreciate you being open to the public.Based on your expertise i gather you are able to determine even when companies are going under and be liquadated. Are rays and amwi going to be liquidated and is it better to get rid of their stocks? in doing so are you sure the others are not going to benefit and buy low price stocks and then the stocks of the said companies will go up in price??

    cheers, ardian

    • Jason Bond

      Sorry Ardian I don’t provide advice like that on trades I’m not in. The companies you mention are promotion stocks and go up when they are actively being promoted, outside of that nobody pays much attention to them in my opinion.

  7. stu

    read more about the investigstion using google or any search engine. you’ll find the sec opened the investigation back in 2011. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/houston-american-confirms-sec-investigation-212828274.html HUSA just revealed it a few days ago. the stock fell when it was revealed, but if it was started way back in 2011 and there has been no decision so far, it should not affect the stock like it has. in fact it makes HUSA look like it has fallen for no good reason, based on rumors, which could mean that it has a very good change of climbing back up to where it should be. it all depends on the actions of the market. i think over a few days, weeks this will climb back up over $3. look at it’s past history, it was a $15 stock.

    • Jason Bond

      Ya Stu I just play the swings… up 35% the day I alerted it more often than not I’ll be out that day or the next.

  8. Andy

    Hi Jason,

    I want to become a member. But first let me know how much money I need have to start getting into swing trades? LIke if you say, I want to make 2000$/month then how much money I should have as initial investment?

    Let me know…


    • Jason Bond

      Hi Andy, I really can’t say sorry. The goal on all trades is 5-10% and I do 3-5 swing alerts a week. From there it’s up to the user to determine their bets, profits, losses and such. Cheers, J.


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