20 May

Short Watch List Coming Tonight!


Like the Account Builders watch list which is specialized, I’m adding another focused watch list for short sellers targeting overbought or manipulated small caps worthy of short consideration. There’s a lot of money to be made betting against stocks so why not integrate this into the strategy.


  1. Wes Green

    Wow! Not sure if this is response to the question I e-mailed you about or something you’ve been working on for a while, but this is an awesome idea and I’m glad you’re looking into it. Hope this list is as successful as your others.

  2. GregoryArrindell

    I really, really appreciate this one Jason. I was asking you about it last week remember. Think this one will rock. Thanks.

  3. MichaelMarr

    I like the idea of a short list. This is great particularly since the market appears to be headed down. Thanks!

  4. HunterShankle

    Your hard work and extra mile for the customer is really impressive. I will be a customer forever…

  5. Anthony

    I think this is a great idea. Generally, stocks move lower when the market is “red.” In addition, they move substantially lower is the market begins to tank. Great idea so members will trade with more confidence. Short list when the market is “red” and Long list when the market is “green.” While I realize that nothing is certain and there are exeptions to every rule, particularly penny stocks, sounds and looks like fun!



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