9 Jan

Start Your 2012 Trading Year Strong And Join JasonBondPicks Today


These existing subscriber videos are great – I hope you’ll consider sending one of these my way someday.

This watch list has 10 small caps from last week, most of which I’m considering swing this week. Click here to view what could be this week’s winners today.

If you missed my recent email – it details how watch lists like the one above could lead to the nice profits my subscribers and I made listed below. Be sure to read that in detail because knowledge is power – remember I was a teach for 10 years ha!

Join my service if you want to see gains like my subscribers listed below – look at all the green at the bottom of this email.

How do you know this won’t be you?

Remember I told you to load good small caps in December and swing them into January? So far I’ve already made just under $10,000 in January doing just that.

My trades are verified through a 3rd party – they are 100% transparent – something 95% of Wall Street is lacking. I don’t win them all but right now I’m on a $20,000 tear swing trading.

See that $6,000 winner there, HDY? I gave that alert out to you FREE right here.

This video details how I’ve made $10,000 plus swing trading HDY in less than 10 days on 2 trades since December – learn the pattern.

These aren’t pumps my friend – HDY is a NYSE company!!!

Still think my swing trade system is a scam? This watch list might change your mind. Note the connection between it and the second trade below.

Remember when I told you about RENN here?

No more free watch lists or webinars though once we’re on Profitly next week, all of my time in 2012 will be spent directly with paying subscribers and that’s about 18-20 hours a day.


But this isn’t about the roughly $10,000 I’ve locked up so far – it’s about whether or not my swing trade service works for subscribers.


Why not let me do the heavy lifting? I mean all this for just $295 / quarter?!

Can you guess what stock I alerted Thursday?


Isn’t it time you got in on this action?

My group of guys and gals are by far one of the coolest around and I’m certain anyone interested in learning and working collectively will fit right in.

Don’t take my word for it though – here are 37 independent reveiws of my service and I truly hope you’ll join us and be writing one of those 3-months from now.

Or watch these five 30 second member testimonials because that’s as real as it gets.

Am I selling you yet because if not I’m not sure what else I have to do to get you to give me 3-months to prove my swing trade service can help people with $1,000,000 to $1,000.

How do I know that you ask? Because both are on my current list.

My quick start guide explains exactly what I’m about – email me with questions.


The Swing Trader!

Jason Bond


  1. 2012 Aspiration

    Youve caught my attention. If I can learn from anyone it will be you. Do you follow any Canadian Stocks (i’m). What would you suggest a conservative $ start-up? Yes there is exchange presently. It seem to fluctuate recently.
    Where are you going what is the Ftly?

    • Jason Bond

      Hello. No on most Canadian stocks. Start with nothing and simply learn if you like or to open an account you’ll need to check the minimum with your broker. Hope to see you on board.


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