25 Mar

Still Sitting On The Fence, Stop Wasting Time!


Still wondering if you should try my service??? This should help you pay the small $39 fee …

This is what I do and by looking over my shoulder you can learn from the teacher turned trader.

And to prove I am making money, just look at my third party verification to your right.

My accounts are directly linked to Profit.ly.

Profit.ly verifies my moves directly from my E*TRADE accounts about 24 hours after I make them.

In my opinion it’s bull shit to to SAY, “Look at me, I pick winner after winner” pointing out the top and bottom of one massive run after another, but NOT actually trading. Everything changes when your money is on the line and everyone knows it.

If you’re a trader, you know it’s a whole different thing to DO IT and that’s what I am out to show.

I cleared over $2,500 in profits on CHTL yesterday, $500 from COOL (Still riding $3,000 in profits) and $130 from FASV. (Profit.ly takes 24 hours for verified accounts to update)

That’s over $3,000 realized with another $3,000 on the table right now that I am looking to close out of today.

And I am already up $800 on yesterday’s alert.

What are you waiting for, I have a money back guarantee!


This is what I do and I work harder than anyone at it sacrificing sleep and hanging out with friends to give myself the best opportunity of finding winning trades.

With a money back guarantee, I encourage you to sign up and start asking questions.

Jason Bond


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