5 Jun

Stocks Get Slammed, DOW Dives More Than 200 Points: I Made $5,000 Profit


Stock markets around the world got rocked Wednesday.

I’m cash into Thursday and up 36% in 2013.

First the scoreboard:

Dow: 14,960, -216.9 pts, -1.4%
S&P 500: 1,608, -22.4 pts, -1.3%
NASDAQ: 3,401, -43.7 pts, -1.2%

VIX: 17.50, +1.23 pts, +7.56%

Now let’s go back in time to Tuesday’s alert.

Jason Bond : Bought 10,000 UVXY at $6.46 (Sent by email, text & chat)

Later that evening I provided my rationale in my nightly open trade analysis.

UVXY – 10,000 at $6.46, currently $6.52. After 20 Tuesday’s of the market advancing today’s decline suggest we’re going lower so I placed a bet on UVXY when the market made an attempt to go green with a squeeze into the close. I was sitting at $6.45 for 10-minutes and it touched my bid 2x but didn’t fill so I flipped to a market order and took $6.46 before it moved up. Wednesday’s calendar is packed with data none more important than the Beige book. If we hear anything about tapering I find it hard to believe the market advances and a lot of ‘tapering’ talk is being leaked which leads me to believe they’re setting the stage to let Wall Street down softly. I’m only looking to make $.20 – $.30 / share here but would be thrilled with something around $.50 if the market does fall apart Wednesday. Watch the VIX for direction and if the S&P 500 falls a move to the 50 Moving Average is what I’d like to see.”

Wednesday’s Chart



“UVXY made me $4,300… that’s good for me… Thanks JB.” ~ Clefo T.

“Out UVXY +$.43 thx so much jb!” ~ Debbie K

“Out UVXY +$.18 premarket just now for me.” ~ William S.

“Great call on UVXY yesterday JB.” ~ Greg L.

“Out UVXY @ $6.77 +$1,450 made my morning! ~ Thomas M.

“Out UVXY +5%, Thanks JB.” ~ Siddhartha C.

“UVXY sure isn’t easy to play and JB u stuck that one perfect.” ~ Paul P.

“Out UVXY $6.91 +$.43 FOR $4,300, THANKS JB.” ~ Michael D.

“Out UVXY +$5,830.” ~ Jay B.

“JB your gut call on UVXY keeps looking better and better.” ~ Mark W.

 “Out UVXY +$.45.” ~ Steven G.

“Up $21,574 on UVXY today.” ~ Jay B.

make money (2)


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