8 Aug

The BERX Bomb And A Lesson Learned When Trusting Friends


What a disaster! This is the worst trade I’ve made and there’s a good example to be followed here. This idea came from a very trusted friend who has brought me trades that have brought in profits that more than tripled this loss, so I was blindly following him. So confident I even put this out to my free list. I did NOT stick to my trading rules, and I let the stock violate its stop loss — which was a terrible mistake.  This is a rough lesson to learn and I hope that everyone can learn from this mistake on my part.

Other than that, things have been going well lately with 10 out of my last 11 trades being winners. Having hit some nice wins, I’ve managed to eke out gains in most other trades over last few weeks, even as the market has imploded. Stay tuned because I’m ready to get after this market and rack up some profits. All alerts will go out by email and text moving forward. More details to follow.


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