14 May

The Hot Sun, Turquoise Waters And The Hospitality Of The Beautiful Thai Women


“Hello Jason, I am currently vacationing on a remote island in the gulf of Thailand. With the exception of my smart phone, I have taken a much needed stay away from most electronic devices to enjoy some peace, quiet and serenity as well as the beautiful scenery of the island.

The hot sun, turquoise waters and the hospitality of the beautiful Thai women are indescribable. The reason for my email is not to boast , but I forgot if it is time for my renewal, I hope that it is not past my date, I don’t remember if it was mid May or June? 

I am currently in 3 trades and have my limits set, hoping I can make some money while vacationing. Thanks to you and your service I was able to afford this trip.~ Kevin S.

join now small

breathtaking thailand beaches


  1. timmyrw91@verizon.net

    Jason-I’m not going to lie and tell you that this is all clear to me, though it sounds fantastic. I know what you have is a service, but I read stuff here about trainings and tutorials and I’m not sure exactly what they are or how they tie in. I mean, if it’s something to get me set up as a newcomer, or which explain exactly how to act on recommendations you and your service provide, that would be great. And, yeah, I’d also like to know whether someone getting involved with this can start out small, and what your definition of small is. I’ll be looking to read what the new improvement is going to be also. Thanx for the email updates.

    • Jason Bond

      Hi, the best way to start is learn with paper trading and see if you like it. That way you pay a small fee to learn for 3-months, practice with paper money and decide what to do from there. I have a lot of clients who spend a full year paper trading, they treat the learning process like an education and that’s truly what I think it should be.

  2. Philip

    Hello Jason, saw ur video on youtube where u mentioned something about referal and am curious as to d amount dat is payed out per referals? Will be joining ur site in d subsequent future and encourage others to sign up as well. Newbie swingtrader eager to learn more. Besr Regards, jacobmaxis@gmail.com


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