31 Jan

These Are GREAT Questions!


Subject: Swing Trading

Mr. Bond,

I’ve been watching your website for a couple of weeks now, and am impressed with what you do. I’m brand new to trading, and have been reading a lot on swing trading. I’m considering subscribing to your news letter, but I have a few questions for you.

1. Why do you have this service ? What I mean is; that while I’m sure providing this service is lucrative, you make a lot of money in your trading already. I’m curious as to why you would bother.

2. I want to learn to swing trade on my own, and am more than willing to put in the work to learn. Will you explain to me in detail, if I am a member of your service, how and why you are picking securities ?

3. How do you find the time to answer all the emails you must receive, plus do all the work it takes to be a succesful trader ?

Thank you,


And my answers…

Hi Kevin,

Thank you for saying so.

1. I believe I’m an excellent teacher, taught for 10 years in public education and left to teach on Wall Street instead… the only thing that’s changed is how much I get paid for doing good work and leading by example.

2. I’ll teach you how and why, but the teaching comes in the BondPremium to BondElite packages. I just finished a 1-hour webinar with my BondElite subscribers.

3. I support GMCR stock by running my Keurig at 11pm haha. Hard work Kevin, that’s all. But also consider, my strategy works and is very, very basic. I don’t complicate things so I’m simply teaching the same thing over and over finding better ways to get my message across to multiple intelligence’s.




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