2 Oct

This Client’s Advice Could Be The Game Changer For Your Portfolio


“Good evening, JB. I figured this testimonial was long due based on the success I’ve had at Jason Bond Picks since purchasing your service on 4/23/12. Before I go on, let me say that I’ve given many trading services a try and out of a majority of the trading services out there, Jason Bond Picks is one of the top services out there for swing and/or day traders. Your buddy, Jeff/Stock Analyzer, comes in right next to you in terms of quality, service, and commitment.

Before I joined Jason Bond Picks, my portfolio was in the green by $1500. It was as bad as -$7500 at the end of December 2011. I was floating around with trading services, unsure of what I wanted to do. That is when I discovered your service and its focus on small caps. There are services out there whose purpose is to trade breakouts or catching the falling knife, but I prefer your style over theirs. This to me was the right fit as I had just the right amount of capital for these types of stocks ($1-10) and hold time (2-4 days).

I must have caught your service right at the beginning of the bull market (or at least the “bull market” at Jason Bond Picks) as I made gains of $10,132, $19,819, and $14,311 in April, May, and June, respectively. My life took a bit of a change after that. Trading has now become my primary source of income and my part-time job is the secondary source. When my mother suggests I find a traditional white-collar job, I simply mention how much my portfolio is up thanks to my time at Jason Bond Picks… and that is that. When you alert a swing trade, I have no hesitation on entering. You’ve done your homework and the proof is in the gains of my portfolio. Being honest, I was a bit concerned when you went out of normal trading zone a few months back and traded EA and pump and dumps. It is good to know that you’ve stopped doing things those since then.

This brings me to another subject on hand. I admit it may be a bit off-topic, but I feel it is important to provide my take – as a fellow trader and subscriber to your service – on the issue of trade management. There have been trades where I’ve taken profit too early and missed out on the rocket (e.g. KWK, +10 consecutive days of green) and those where I’ve exited early with a small gain instead of a medium-large loss (e.g. VRNG). You alert the trade and it is the trader’s responsibility to take control of it afterward. I feel as though you should provide a disclaimer on your alerts, much like how there are disclaimers on cigarette cartons.

At this time (9/27/12), I know there are still people riding a few stocks that are currently red in their portfolios. Traders ask, “Hey JB, what do you suggest I do for X or Y position?” First, obviously you can’t advise. Second, you told everyone you exited the position earlier this week or the previous week. Third, and this is what I feel is most important, why aren’t traders managing their trade? I feel that people have this “auto-pilot” mentality after you send out an alert. Fact is, if someone has their entire portfolio tied up to a trade, wouldn’t they possess the innate desire to want to manage it themselves? After an alert is sent, is it up to the trader to take the steering wheel. The only way I would complain would be if a majority of your alerts failed to provide subscribers with profit. But that isn’t true.

I’ll be upfront, I feel compelled to comment on the issue (lack of trade management) because the performance of your subscribers is indicative to your performance and image as a whole. If all people hear are losses stemming from holding after you’ve made it clear that you’ve exited, well that just isn’t fair to you. Fellow traders, if you’re reading this and you’re holding on to a losing position that JB exited, you have to decide if you can weather through the pain or not. If you can’t, close that red puppy out and move on.

The key to maximizing success and minimizing failure at Jason Bond Picks is to take control of your account. Can’t take a loss over $200? Place a stop. Trade smart and more than likely you’ll be in the green. Keep the plane on auto-pilot and who knows where your portfolio will go, literally. ~ Jeff Lee


  1. Sudhir

    I am new bee here and I cannot agree more. I missed a few alerts on exits or entry points but that was part of my learning I guess. I have found that JB, Luke and et al. provide great insights to help us learn and make right picks (with high probability). JB always promised to teach how to trade and i have found him to be true to his commitment.

  2. AndrewPena

    Great article! The main point, “Can’t take a loss over $200? Place a stop.” More traders need to start implementing this instead of blaming others for their losses. It is your money, set up your own risk vs. rewards.

    Thanks JB for everything!

  3. ScottSchnackenberg

    Couldnt agree more with this! I gambled and held after JB exited the trade on GEVO a few weeks ago and ended up selling in the red. However, I re-entered the trade on GEVO and ended up in the green. And also held VRNG!!! BAM!! Thanks JB!!!


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