28 Apr

Thursday April 28, 2011


There are only two days left in April to trade and I honestly can’t believe the summer months are right around the corner. April was a roller coaster for me to say the least… after hitting 100% of my trades in March I fell victim to ALZM and ESYL which destroyed hours of hard work on my end. What do both have in common, they are highly manipulated companies so I’ll take that valuable lesson with me which is why I’ve left LEXG alone despite having bought it at a buck.

I closed out of two swing trades yesterday IGOI and ZLCS for profits and flipped STVI in chat for small gain based on a volume surge. I sold half of my CMCI yesterday for big profits but then the bid fell to $.75 again around where I bought. Rumor is there will be a mailer campaign on it but I won’t be around because I’m looking sell today if I can. I was able to buy this one on the bid when the spread was $.60 x $1.10 and as of yesterday there was still a huge spread at times $.75 x $1.15. This is very early stage speculation but it appears I nailed this one. It was never an alert though for obvious reasons which I noted when I first picked up my position.


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