20 Jul

Thursday July 21, 2011


I’m on the road doing some traveling so bare with me until I settle back in at the house. Just the same, all work will continue cause I’m love trading and it goes with me everywhere I go. The only change is that I won’t be in chat daily but alerts will go out.

So I’m in 5 stocks now as the chat trades pile up… and let me start by saying if you were in chat Tuesday heading into Wednesday you caught one of my better alerts… an overnight 20% on DOGO!!! A lot of people in chat cashed in this morning but I’m GREEDY and holding out for more lol. So get in chat when you can. By the way — congratulations to Boom who is our new chat room moderator — while I’m on the road I’ll count on him to send some of my chat room trades.

So heading into Thursday, here is what I’m doing and it’s NICE to be green again.

10k PPRTF at $.60, current $.754. CEO is the real deal and this is a solid / real company… I’m feeling good about this bid buy from last week. Currently up $1,500.

25k DOGO at $.58, current $.595. Big budget promo’s can be dangerous so unless you can watch it close I wouldn’t recommend it. Overnight 20% for those who were in chat with me Tuesday and many already banked big cashing in this morning when I said it’s always good to take profits. Me, well I’m holding out for more because a $1.8m promo budget is nothing to shrug off — not many that big in my experience. By the way, I was up about $3k this morning and could have locked it in easy… I’m hoping for a bigger score here but always remember it’s good to take profits.

20k BERX at $.68, current $.675. Got filled right and I mean right at the close. This is a bid buy and if you don’t know what that means study my level II tutorial. Light volume trade just like PPRTF that I expect will move up soon. Had 30k on the bid but only got 2/3.

2m SLLN at $.0015, current $.0014. This is a heavily promoted stock and I don’t think it’s done. I’d like to score $500 on this trade Thursday while driving to Florida — yes I have internet in my car — all penny stock junkies do.

5k MCZ at $1.46, current $1.40. Just looking for an exit here. Earnings are coming up on 8/1 so with any luck there will be some run up but right now I’m not sure that’s going to happen.

p.s. – tried for a number of short trades today but couldn’t find shares of ZAGG, RYUN, POTG or GRHU… that’s the problem with shorting!



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