22 Mar

Trade Updates For 3/22/11


Things are looking good for last weeks buys. I am still riding all 37,000 shares of CHTL from last Wednesday’s entry at $.187 and continue to look for $.22 – $.23 as my exit strategy. It’s been trending up nicely accumulating at higher prices since my alert so my hope is to sell today or tomorrow for 15% or more. So far this is playing out perfectly and exactly what I look for on a regular basis.

Also still holding my 5,000 shares of COOL from Friday’s alert at $2.46 and have no plans on selling based on how it’s trading. Per the other emails, I didn’t expect it to bounce right away which is why I said I’ll look to add another block at $2.25 – $2.28 should it dip to that level. The longer it holds up here the more confident I am that we’ll see another pop in the short-term and when that catalyst arrives I’ll be looking to sell into it.

I’ll do a video chart updating both positions this morning once the market opens. I’ll also be looking to trade today, so you can expect alerts if I find anything I am comfortable putting my money into.

From now on you’ll always get an email and a text message when I buy / sell anything.




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