19 Apr

Trading Is Cutthroat, But You Don’t Have To Be


The market is closed today because of Good Friday. And as much as I like to eat…sleep…trade…

…it’s an excellent time to spend with your loved ones… and forget about trading for a while.

You see, I love the stock market because it gives you a chance at financial freedom…

After all, who could ignore these benefits of being a trader:

  • No Boss (to tell you what to do)
  • No Salary (income potential is unlimited)
  • Work from anywhere in the world
  • Work as often and as much as you want

You know, when I first started getting serious about my trading, my goal was to make enough money so I could quit doing roofing and construction work on my summers off from teaching school.

Talk about humble beginnings…

(there were no guarantees when I started trading, and you won’t get any from me when you join my service, except that I am going to try my hardest to help you succeed.)

Of course, with success comes the cars, homes, and other nice stuff…

However, after making over a quarter of a million dollars trading penny stocks in Q1… I’ve cashed out my trading profits and will be donating the money to charities throughout the year.  

($275K+ in trading profits all going to charity this year, if you’re a Jason Bond Picks client, your suggestions are appreciated)

The cool thing, I’m letting clients help us select the charities. So far, the Raging Bull Foundation has donated to the following organizations:

  • Mary’s Meals
  • Adaptive Sports Foundation
  • Project Yes Africa
  • Samaritan’s Purse
  • Gary Sinise Foundation

The Raging Bull Foundation was established by Jeff Bishop, Kyle Dennis, and myself. And our goal is to donate $1M in trading profits to charities in 2019.


(if you’d like to learn more about the Raging Bull Foundation and how to get involved, click here)

Trading is very cut-throat…when you are losing money on a trade… someone is on the other side is taking it from you…there is no room to play Mr. nice guy or gal… and that’s why I teach my students how to be confident, prepared, and disciplined.

However, when that bell rings and the market closes, that killer instinct needs to be shut down. Because without balance in your life, you’ll struggle to be happy.

The Raging Bull Foundation was set up to build a stronger community. A community that thrives on others helping others. Together, we can help each other to reach our goals faster and make a difference in the world.  

That said, if you’re not a client yet, and not part of this community. It’s on you to take the next step. The easiest way to get started is taking me up on my 90-day challenge, here you go.


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