17 Jan

Trading Is Not A Sprint, It’s A Marathon


They say slow and steady wins the race and nothing could be more true on Wall Street.

The S&P 500 is RED so far in 2014.  

2-weeks into 2014 I’m +10% +$29,418 deep into the GREEN.

Last year, in 2013 I made +77% +$238,830.

My performance was almost 3x the S&P 500 …

… despite a difficult December.

“Jason, I’m a new subscriber joining during your $1 deal in December. It was a tough month but based on your track record I knew you’d get it rolling again. I’m really glad I stayed as I’m up over $17,000 in January on a combo of swing & day trades. Thank you, your team & your chat community! Looking forward to future gains!” ~ John R. 

When John sent me that email I was truly inspired because it illustrates perfectly the market is not a sprint but a marathon.

Depending on when you sign up I could be on a hot or cold streak but over the long haul the numbers tell the true story of Jason Bond Picks.


  1. Rondo Dace

    Hi Jason,

    Considering the prediction of the definite market crush, how would your students benefit in the next bear market with possible economic recession? As I know many people investing in stock market lose money during that time and some people gain money. I assume by shorting the shares and riding the wave. For a new student who wants to master trading what would you suggest considering the timing and the opportunity.

    thank you for your through answer, Mr .it will definitely help in choosing/making choices

    • Jason Bond

      There’s always a hot stock or two to swing trade in a 1-4 day period regardless of what the market is doing. In addition, as you mentioned we short too. Cheers, J.

  2. Rondo Dace

    I meant mister Bond, Jason Bond:)


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