16 Feb

Tuesday February 16, 2016


Good morning!

Finally a bottom in the 2016 market we can start to work with long term trades. I’ve been super cautious here after the difficult start to January but now I expect things will pick up, like they were in the last quarter of 2015 when we hit about 20 wins in a row.

I’d also like to take this moment to introduce Allan Marshall who will be co-managing the Long Term newsletter with me. Allan recently invested in Jason Bond Picks because he’s extremely excited about the success and growth we’ve had in last 4 years. Allan is a multi-millionaire who is famous for founding a multi-billion dollar company NYSE:XPO that, arguably, the best long term investor ever, Peter Lynch invested in. This is a huge development for the Long Term newsletter and I expect you’ll start hearing from Allan this week. Allan is an active long term trader making him a great fit for this service.

SIEN – Rounding right at $8 support I like this for a move to $11 – $12 for profit and think it could see $15’s soon. I’ve been in and out of this as a swing and long term trade but my new focus will be longer term. Currently I’m in it as a swing but looking to go long from this level too.


DUST – I think this could double from down here now that money is moving out of safe havens and into stocks again.


GEVO – I’ll probably look to put $5,000 in this trade and go for a double on it. The company has the Alaskan Airline deal lined up in 2016 which should make for big headlines and price action.  I like it above $.33, stop loss below $.30 and shoot for $.60’s.


Trade green!

Jason Bond


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