31 May

Tuesday May 31, 2011


Well the long weekend is over and I must say I’m excited to be back in front of my trading station. Heading into the last day in May I’m holding two positions that I’m hoping to cash in this week.

I have 75,000 shares of GSTP across both accounts. The challenge account is 25k shares and the price per share is $.13. The main account is 50k and the price per share is $.165. Goal is to trade this one if and when it has an active day like it’s had in the past. Action picked up last week and many of you cashed in, but I’m waiting for more on this one.

My only other position heading into today is 2k MOBI at $9.05 and the chart is shaping up really well. Friday shares were boosted in the afternoon by Roberto Pedone’s article on TheStreet.com which couldn’t have come at a better time for us. Target is $10.00 but you might see me just take $9.50 after all the crazy price action I’ve been through on MOBI last week. Either way, if I didn’t already have shares and just looked this chart over for the first time this morning I’d be a buyer and that’s how I determine day to day if I’m in a good trade or should move on.


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