6 Sep

Tuesday September 6, 2011


Stock futures down! So we’ll be short biased on trades today and finish by picking up some bargains for Wednesday’s probable bounce.

Long STMicroelectronics (STM) which is a global leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications with innovative semiconductor solutions. Gap down this morning with futures expected, no real concern here as shares will trade similar to the SPY. My immediate goal is to take $3 per share long term, maybe more depending on how the market and STM play out.

Added 7.5k EVGI to lower my average which is now $.80. This was a trade gone wrong based on a flawed trade alert from a NL I subscribe. Rumor of stock promotion coming which is what I’ll need to make this one work at this point. $.80 isn’t a bad average but I’m not thrilled about hold 15k shares on such light volume. Speculation can be very rewarding but it can also hurt you, it’s yet to be determined how this bet will unfold.

Also speculating on AAGC at $.82. Up $242 on this trade I’m looking for a few thousand as always before cashing out.


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