12 Sep

Update On The New Newsletters Coming Soon


As you know, we’re shifting gears to offer you 3 options.

1. Long term stock picks $199 / year for a monthly issue

2. Swing trade stock picks $995 / year for a weekly issue

3. Day trade stock picks $1,995 / year for a daily issue

As a part of this transition we’re opening a new chat at http://thestockmarketwatch.com/markets/today.aspx which should be up this week. At that point I’ll be closing the existing room and in charge of the new chat. The long will operate by email. The swing will operate by text and email. The day will operate by instant message, text and email.

All existing members will be placed on all 3 newsletters but their pricing will stay as it is when they signed up.

This transition is to meet the needs of the many daily requests I receive asking for certain types of trades. So for those of you who work and can only manage long term trades, you’ll have your option now.

More details to come, but again, I think we’ll have this up and running this weekend or next.



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