23 Apr

Video Lesson 3: Momentum Monsters


Momentum Monsters: Once we spot quick acceleration in a stock’s price, earnings or revenues, we’ll take a long or short position in the stock looking for the MOMENTUM MONSTER to continue in the upward or downward direction. This strategy relies on short-term movements in a stock’s price rather than fundamental value and is not recommended for novices. Hold times on MOMENTUM MONSTERS will most often been a few weeks.

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  1. somersett

    Very excited to have JB and Luke Murray running this show! What a BONUS! I watched Luke’s recomendations in other service. He is very good and we all know JB is excellent. Can’t wait to get started!

  2. green72malibu

    D.H.5 all the way from Cali. Jason. Liking the news. Hella pumped!!

  3. Steve Wood

    I am so very excited – this is going to be best news letter on Wall Street. I started small many years ago (about 7lbs) and grew big. I plan to begin small with this and grow big with this also. Takes time to grow! Thank you JB & Luke

  4. Clint

    Luke, I know from the daily chat room, is good at what he does. Looking forward to the action.

  5. Adrianna

    What are your thoughts on DUST. Would you categorize DUST as one of your best of breeds?

    • Jason Bond

      It wouldn’t be best of breed because it’s an leveraged ETN so the application of it is 3x inverse GDX. GDX is gold miners so if GDX is -3% today, DUST is +9% today. It is really a play on the commodity gold.

  6. Desantos

    do you know how to check old stocks on EtradePro? I’m trying to look for CREE for 7/14/2016 but I don’t know how to find the chart for it. Any idea how?

    • Jason Bond

      What do you mean by old?

      • Desantos

        for example I want to look at FNMA but want a specific date like say: I want to see how the stock FNMA performed on January 19th. Want to see the 1 min, 5min, and 10 min candles for that day. Any idea how?

        • Jason Bond

          i’d use something like stockcharts.com for that, you can pick the dates you want to see and then pick the 1m, 5m etc… too


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