10 May

Watch List For May 10, 2011


BWEN closed Monday at $1.63 up 4.49% on good Q1 results. With plenty of cash on hand, they could be positioned to climb considering all the energy crisis around the world. I’ll wait to see if the profit takers are out and if bullish volume continues I may jump in. With a current market cap of 174m, it could certainly move on some good news. Support is $1.55 and resistance is $1.85 and $1.94.

PSUN went bull today with a solid 7% rally. The 1 minute chart from Monday reveals a bullish start, sideways chop and a bullish close. If it continues to run tomorrow shares could see 10% on their way to $4.00…a break of which opens the door to $4.40 or so. Market cap is a bit bigger than I like at 240m but it’ll do considering the chart. Short interest is pretty high here too, although I’m sure a good portion of that has covered since the recent bottom. With earnings set for next Monday, it’s likely we’ll see more runup before it sells off into the later part of the week. More importantly, check out these insider transactions.

LQMT is my under a buck long shot, but still no play here as I’d expect it could drift down to $.42 and then $.33 if the company doesn’t manage to bring some volume in soon. Deals with Apple, Swatch etc… are good enough to keep this one on my list until volume increases or a catalyst appears. I’ve removed PLPE from this group based on this morning’s gap and crap on news. I could be wrong but today was not a good sign in my opinion.

MOBI has been a train wreck every since Citron blasted them with a $3 price target. The 3 day turn was short lived as the bears were back today leaving me to believe it’ll break $13 at which point I’ll consider going short for $2-$3 a share on it’s way to $10.


  1. Ed Anderson

    How do I change my password?

    • Jason Bond

      Morning Ed. Top right, after you login go to ‘My Account’ and switch it in there. Email me if you need anymore help on that.


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