26 Aug

Wednesday August 26, 2015


Good morning.

I’m proud to announce we TOTALLY missed the market meltdown last week being 100% cash in this service and I assure you, it wasn’t by accident. Just sitting out that pullback I probably saved thousands of dollars and know you likely did too.

Of course Monday I alerted BAS and so far so good there. I think within a week or two, hopefully sooner, it’ll be trading between $4 and $5 and we’ll be locking up a nice win. I’m not against adding 5,000 more shares above 3.40 to this position but in no rush to do so.

I held off on doing the watch list this week until today to play it safe, but now believe it’s a good time to take some shots.

My targets are GLUU, HOTR and FNMA.

GLUU missed on earnings and is oversold. Shares are also depressed due to the market. I’m watching $4 as my entry point and thinking 5,000 shares with a longer term outlook of $7, which could take months and ride through a few earnings calls. Historically oversold has been an opportune time to go long this stock.

FNMA is my true long term pick and think now is the time to add it. I’m looking for 10,000 shares above $2 and plan to keep this for months to years after entry, unless it pays faster. Thinking the conservatorship gets dropped here and it’s a 10 bagger at least once profits return to shareholders instead of the government.

HOTR is another excellent long term idea down here, but probably takes time. Of the picks on this list it’s the most likely to deliver a fast profit, but that’s not what I’m really looking for. The reason I say it can deliver fast is because it’s oversold with the MACD crossing the signal line – great setup in a tough market for a bigger bounce. If we get a quick 20% I’ll take it, the goal is around $2 here on a longer term time frame. 20,000 shares is what I’m thinking.

Alright, that’s it for this week and I plan to act on it.

I want to point out, I renamed my premium services. So you’re on the same page as me let me explain.

When I started Jason Bond Picks there was no chat room, no day trading and ONLY swing / long term trades. Over time the service grew and I attracted active traders. Where I am today is the best spot I’ve ever been, with 2 excellent services that cater to different audiences. Here’s how I see them.

1) Active Trading (Formerly called Active Day / Swing Trading) is a combination of active day and swing trading. Picks can deliver 5-20% the same day or across 1-4 days. Hardly am I holding longer than 4 days or getting profits bigger than 20%.

2) Swing Trading (Formerly called Passive Swing / Long Term Trading) is a combination of swing trading with flexible entries and exits as well as long term trading. What you’re reading above on GLUU, FNMA and HOTR is how I started my business 4 years ago, focused solely on the busy professional. Think of this as a return to my roots. A true, ‘learn how to make money without being chained to your computer’ experience designed for busy professionals, like I was when I taught in public schools.

Performance tracking starts today, I’m probably +$3,000 up until now but would just like to start here and record everything. With that in mind I want to point out I’m moving to a daily watch list. It won’t take up much of your time but will improve our communication. Since there is no chat – this will be your chance to interact with me daily or whenever you need to, using the comments section below chat.

Let’s start building an empire of winning trades 1 at a time.

Jason Bond



  1. manjitsandhu

    For long term trades what stop loss do you recommend. For BAS I set it at 10% and got stopped out. Since this is a long term trade I do not want to watch it often so I set a trailing SL.. What do you recommend. Thanks for your time in advance.. Manjit

    • Jason Bond

      I’m definitely more flexible with the stop loss on these but will be disciplined. I will hardly ever buy all my position on the 1st entry giving myself plenty of room to scale into the trend.

  2. manjitsandhu

    Thanks Jason on the pointer for scaling in. Valuable lesson learned. What Stop Loss do you set. I know each person sets it differently but for such swing trades what do you set your as. That would help me plan my stop losses.

    • Jason Bond

      It’s specific to each trade and I point it out in the alert.

  3. sarabvir

    JB, are you looking for an exit range soon on BAS?

    • Jason Bond

      Ya just took $5,500 profit on it +15%.

  4. sarabvir

    Hey JB, out +13% on BAS so thanks for that! Also, when do you intend to incorporate the daily watch list?

    • Jason Bond

      Great trade, I intend to start the daily watch list Monday.


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