23 Sep

Wednesday September 23, 2015


Good morning.

Here’s my swing trades. Remember, the #1 goal of this service is flexible entries and exits. Hold times can range from overnight to a few weeks.

BAS for +15% +$5,400 8/24 – 8/27

XIV for +8% +$1,950 9/2 – 9/3

GLUU for +4% +$1,700 8/27 – 9/3

BAS for +5% +$2,000 9/15 – 9/16

After winning on BAS I stayed cash to avoid the FOMC interest rate announcement on 9/17, missing the 4 day pullback perfectly. Now I think the IWM is settling around 114 and am ready to take a few trades.

Here’s what I’m watching.

BIS – Thinking the amazing run in biotechs is over and they could get crushed now, so in above $30, looking for $40’s, stop loss below $27. Probably 1,000 shares here.

GRUB – Nice long term growth story here. Looking to take advantage of this pullback here and accumulate above $25 for $5 points into the $30′s, stop loss below the recent base.

RAIL – Railroads down nearly 25% for the year and starting to bounce, I’m looking to jump on the railroad rally with FreightCar. Right now I’m watching to make sure $20 trendline support holds up, if so there’s a good move to $24 here inside the ascending triangle that’s starting to build, one of my favorite patterns. If this level doesn’t hold, I’ll be patient and wait for $16. This is a strong company and should rebound at some point down here.

Your Swing Trader,

Jason Bond


  1. sn_dagg

    Jason, what’s your play with BIS? Are we looking at setup for a Fibonacci retracement?

    • Jason Bond

      i was thinking i’d wait for it to come in a little, maybe around 30.


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