30 Jul

What’s Working Now – Monday July 30, 2012 @ 1:14 p.m. EST


Sent by email at 1:14 p.m. EST Monday, posted here in the evening for record. From now on, if nothing is working I’ll copy / paste the email here either way.

The market broke through the low of day around 11 a.m. EST and has been trading sideways since. I just ran though the charts and have not found any solid setups to move on just yet.

JVA performed up about 20% here from the watch list but everything else is weak or trading sideways. ZLCS is top the list for account builders but I’m waiting until after earnings and closer to the FDA.

So for now, nothing is working and if I’m not looking to jump on it, I certainly am not going to put a list out and waste your time. I’m heading back to the research now to try and find a good chart with a proper catalyst to take it higher… I’d like to be in something before close but won’t force it


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