27 Dec

Who Says My Job Is Not Important?!


Hi Jason, First thanks for everything you are teaching us and for sharing your watch lists with us, subscribers. I have made a good amount of money in 2 weeks by following your ideas. I wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family, and I am SO looking forward to follow you in 2012 and make good money. I am hoping that your new system will work for me at my work, and that I can join your chat room during the day. Thanks again. ~ Arno

Thanks Jason, I have to compliment you, with all your many subscribers you have always made a point to respond to me and my questions. You have one of the toughest jobs in the planet trying to predict the future so even to bat 50% is incredible. I will have several glasses of Pinot Nior on Christmas to toast to you and Jason Bond 2012 picks and in hope it will be your best year ever. ~ Happy Holidays Partner. Steve


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