21 May

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner


“I love it!!!   (And I’m amazed that you personally reply to everyone of your students/subscribers – it’s very cool).

I sign up for your service for the first time in the evening of Monday, May 20th.

Get your morning email on the 21st, and was made aware of LEDS and a possible breakout in the near term.

I stepped in lightly with 2K shares @ $1.69 following the email.

Immediately then threw in a limit sell for the 2K shares @ $1.85….Thinking I might get lucky today.

And it fills a couple hours later while I’m at work!  The 2-hour trade netted me a cool $300 after commissions, within the first two hours of being a subscriber…!

Wait a minute…did I just get the first three months for free?!?!

Love this so far, Sir!  Keep it up!!”

~ Brayden S.


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