27 Oct

WSML Wipes The Smiles Off Traders’ Faces


Recently I wrote a blog post called The White Smile Global (WSML) Stock Promotion Begins – Don’t Get Greedy!

A few days later I followed that article up with White Smile Global (WSML); The $3 Million Pump That’s Done Nothing But Dump

Today I’m reaching out to all the bag holders because it pains me to see others go through what I’ve already learned the hard way. Don’t mistake my willingness to help you with sympathy though. I warned anyone willing to do a simple WSML Google search of the inherent dangers when playing a stocks like this.

I’ve been trading in the small cap market for almost a decade and I teach my subscribers how to not only profit from blatant manipulation but more importantly, how to avoid massive dumps like WSML is having today.

The small cap market can be a wonderful place to trade and make money because it’s overlooked by the prestigious big boys, however, stocks like White Smile Global (OTCBB:WSML), Jammin Java (OTCBB:JAMN) and Lithium Exploration Group (OTCBB:LEXG) unfortunately give many a bad taste.

If you’re new to small caps and holding the bag on WSML today email me right away at jason@jasonbondpicks.com and I’ll teach you how to survive these shark infested waters.

There are tons of excellent small caps out there just waiting to be discovered by Wall Street and I position my subscriber and I in them before the big boys jump on board.


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