On Wednesday, the Death Line in the S&P 500 was breached, and since then stocks have...
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The Bears Are Back! 6 Under $5 Short Watch List For Tuesday October 18, 2011
A stock can be good or bad and still be an excellent short. These stocks are overbought so I'll be...
3 Hot Stocks; Watch List For Monday October 17, 2011
Royale Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: ROYL) is a stock we used to trade quite a bit a few months ago. It...
Monday October 10, 2011
I've been slammed working on our new website and didn't trust the market last week which is why...
What Stinks Wednesday, 3 Turds To Short
OPTT is pump and dump, period! Goal is to short it around $3.40 aggressive or $3.80 to $4 if it's...