26 Mar

10 Liquid Small Caps Between $1 And $2 For Tuesday March 27, 2012


The market is in a monster uptrend and the S&P 500 looks like it could explode tomorrow if the Case-Shiller home prices and consumer confidence come in strong early in the day Tuesday. These 10 ideas have excellent liquidity meaning $1 million in volume Monday or more, a small market cap between $50 million and $2 billion and a solid chart. I specialize in stocks between $.25 and $5 and the $1 to $2 liquid plays are often my favorite because a 10,000 share bet with $.20 to $.40 per share profit is a nice $2,000 to $4,000 payday. Here’s how I might play them.

1. Expand 2. Play 3. Select 720p for HD


  1. Michael

    Great and clear explanations!

  2. Goran Midorovic

    Nice . thanks for everything .ready for tomorrow .

  3. George

    Great tutorial but I can”t see the ticker symbols can you please voice them before and after the chart

  4. kelvo

    gr8 watchlist, love these $1 -$2 stocks, just right for smaller accounts. thanks for the hard work, your a star

  5. PDF Viewer

    Thanks for working on this and applying efforts to make the stocks cheaper!
    $1-$2 looks like the best price.
    Live long and prosper!

    • Jason Bond

      Absolutely, I’ll build out another between $1 and $2 this week.


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