4 Dec

1A – Overview


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  1. 20strategy

    very simple but very powerful.. That’s how most people like it.

    • kgrkc


  2. titucanada

    i like the way you teach people good

  3. Mathieu

    New traders can really have a good overview with this video, and experienced trader can see quickly the core of Mr. Bond strategy.

  4. mikeusn11

    Thanks for the Video

  5. Lebonreo

    I’m a newbie and this is perfect to learn!

  6. dennisryan2

    Very new to any trading, and this video gave me great overview of how to begin.Thanks

    • Jason Bond

      Excellent Dennis, that’s what I was hoping. Let me know if you need anything.

  7. rcninvest

    Thanks Jason. I believe I’m on the right path. My last 4 or 5 trades were looser’s and went from $1700 to $1300 and work a 8 hour a day job. Any input to help me out would be appreciated.

    • Jason Bond

      Maybe paperMoney with Think or Swim is a good choice until you find a rhythm?

  8. smtyjerk88

    Talk about getting your foot in the door. A good, solid foundation a beginner like myself can apply. Your signs to look for showed me all the mistakes I’ve been making. Awesome. Thanks J.

    • Jason Bond

      Really appreciate the feedback.

  9. alpineroof

    Great teaching. Very helpful. Thanks

  10. bmsamal

    Your goal of $50k per year for members…. what is that based on? What starting amount? How much would be invested in each trade on average?

    • Jason Bond

      My goal is $50k / year for myself, I can’t promise anything for members, they come with all account sizes. There’s guys / gals here who make $50k / week here. I’ve raised my goal to $120,000 / year last year. I started this year with $180,000, profit so far is about $80,000 3-months in.

  11. burnhamm

    You stinkin genius…. I just learned more relevant information about basic investing than I did in my 3 month long stocks and bonds class in my undergrad degree.

  12. cherylhoward

    One of your best videos. The basic points you cover here are spot on. Came back to watch for the 3rd time…THIS time we took notes. Thanks JB.
    -Howie Den…

    • Jason Bond

      Thanks Howie I appreciate it.

  13. jasonramalho

    seems simple enough

  14. talltrades777

    rcninvst said his last 4 or 5 trades were loosers. I signed on this newsletter to have you tell me what trades were good today and when to get out. You said he has to find a rhythm. Today is my first day on this site and I’m here not to find a rhythm but to trade your rhythm. mine stinks!

  15. rpshinds

    wow! This makes sense! Thanks!


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