4 Dec

1B – Charting


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    Love how at 41:55 he talks about looking at charts if you’re a dentist between patients, I’m a dentist and that’s EXACTLY what I do!
    Great video and very detailed charts

  2. JorgeIglesias

    Great lesson. You make it look so easy! Thanks.

  3. Anonymous

    Great lesson..learned a lot after playing it a few times. Jason’s job.. “I’m looking at price action and making sure nothing crazy is happening with our trades that’s what I do for you”

    Very detailed charts and explanation.

    -you’re the man J.

  4. weberderek91

    Brand new to trading. You teaching method is pretty easy to understand. The patterns you point out seem easier then I thought to predict. Makes sense. I will keeping watching more vids and hopefully will start increasing my $$. Thanks and look forward to working with you and everyone else in the chat room once I get some my more knowledge under my belt.

    • Jason Bond

      Awesome and welcome. Keep me posted if you need anything.

  5. PE

    Very clear, BOOM! Clarity. Utilizing the 1 year graph (big picture) you can easily see the the history of the candle over candle with the RSI oversold coupled with the MACD indicators. I’ve always been wondering how to find the bottom and get in for the run up. Awesome, thank you.

  6. jasonramalho

    wow thanks JB …. really put things into view with this lesson.

  7. karbo

    I’m a dentist too! JB knows his stuff! Love the videos and how easy they are to follow.

    • Jason Bond

      Thank you very much.

  8. davis_trades

    I just learned so much in 43min. Sir you are a gentleman and a scholar.

    • Jason Bond

      Thank you for saying so. I appreciate the feedback. Keep up the hard work.


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