9 May

Atlantic City Trip


Details about the AC trip

This is a tentative schedule. If the plans change, an update will be sent to the entire email list so nobody misses it.


2 p.m. My arrival

6 p.m. Gypsy Bar

8 p.m. Dinner on your own / small groups

10 p.m. B Bar / Casino

11 p.m. Casino / Mixx Night Club


10 a.m. Breakfast on your own / small groups

 11 a.m. Starbucks

 12 p.m. Borgatta Buffett

 6 p.m. Gypsy Bar

 8 p.m. Dinner small groups

 10 p.m. B Bar / Casino

11 p.m. Casino / Mixx Night Club


 10 a.m. Breakfast on your own / small groups

 11 a.m. Starbucks

 12 p.m. Depart

Date: August 21-23

Place: Borgata Hotel in Atlantic City

Website: http://www.theborgata.com

Phone number for reservations: 609-317-1000

Who’s attending: Jason Bond Picks and Top Stock Picks

Purpose: meet, greet, socialize, share, learn, relax and have fun

Itinerary: times are subject to change slightly due to group size and reservation times

Tuesday August 21 arrival and meet and greet as members arrive. Dinner with Jason Bond Picks and SuperNova members followed by drinks, socializing and gaming.

Wednesday August 22 breakfast followed by the morning bell with members. The next two or three hours is our time to talk stocks at a breakfast area or in a social lounge. We can trade as a group, talk strategy, screeners, favorite scan criteria and also mingle with SuperNova and his trading team. Group lunch followed by a bit of relaxation in the early afternoon (members choice from 2pm to 5pm) Group dinner at 6pm with SuperNova and his team followed by one last night of drinks and gaming.

Thursday group breakfast followed by question and answer session and then departure.

Jeff and I really look forward to spending this time with all of you. This will be a great opportunity to not only get to meet you but discuss stocks and strategy. We also encourage all of you to take the time to meet other members of Jason Bond Picks and SuperNova as Jeff and I plan on working together on many new collaborative projects in the future.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Jason Bond

p.s. – for anyone looking for somewhere to stay, in case the hotel fills up, this from Damon, a subscriber to Jason Bond Picks, “I was just going to let you know my sister in law has some houses for rent just down the street from the Borgata. If you want you can post the rentals on your Atlantic city page and let other subscribers know. I posted the details below on the two house rentals.”



  1. josephjelenic

    Do I pay you to join you in Atlantic City?How much are the seminars?

    • Jason Bond

      Hello Joseph. There is no charge, just get there and get a room and prepare to have fun 8)

  2. Boom

    I’m in!

  3. Gail Semeniuk

    Sounds interesting, flytimes can be challenging. I would like to attend. Since I don’t enjoy gambing i’ll enjoy the nuevo Architecture and a signature drink.(J.Bond drink)

  4. Kevin Paquette

    This sounds like a fantastic opportunity to get to know you and Jeff and others in the group. Definitely something I will be looking into.

  5. Michael

    I am there since I live in the Atlantic City area! Are these all day events because I usually work during the day?

    • Jason Bond

      We’ll be there morning, day and night… trading, eating, gambling and drinking so stop by when you can.



    • Jason Bond

      The Borgata if you have a reservation.

  7. RussellWinter

    This is gonna be great! I’ll be coming from the Chicago area.

  8. Jason Bond

    It’s getting closer! Trading, gambling, beer, wine and food! 3 days of trading paradise.

  9. Paul

    I will be there!


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