9 May

Who Is The American Guy In The Kitchen Every Evening?


What a wonderful story, honestly I’m slammed with emails, tired and burnt but had to take the time and stop to share this with everyone. I read everything everyone writes me, there is no support and I don’t blow anyone off. We truly have something special at Jason Bond Picks and word is starting to get out which is why there’s 300 customers in the swing chat room and 1,000 customers like Liam in my service in 1 year.

“Not sure if you’ll get to read this as I know how busy you are. My wife and kids are asking me who the American guy is who seems to come into our kitchen every evening for a chat!! 

I’m from Ireland (that’s recession battered Ireland on the edge of Europe!!!). I had tried various ways of trying to support myself and my family after redundancy came knocking and started out using unscrupulous providers of questionable services, some of which actually held conferences here over a period of approx 5 years (including options trading etc)

So after treading water (financially), for several years with a variety of services and while I had some reasonable trades, I ended up essentially flat on my investment of time and money and was about to call it a day in December last year, when I found your service.

I proceeded to cash in all outstanding positions (my broker was happy!!) and start afresh with one last throw of the dice. My first trade with you (HDY) was a bigger winner for me than most of my previous winners combined were.

Now DMD is providing me with a bit of impetus to extricate my account from the quagmire that was/is TVIX. I wanted to thank you for your honesty and integrity and most of all the time and effort you expend on education. I’ve learned more even in your chatroom in the last 4 months than I did in the previous 4 years.

Anyway, I’ve ditched the “greed v fear” cycle that seemed to override my trading before, and am now slowly building an account again, thanks to you and your exceptional team.” ~Liam

1 Comment

  1. Noel Horkan

    I read your from Ireland in leitrim I think and you are satisfied with Jasons service.My father was a Mayo man from Westport and now there will be two Irishmen trading because I read your post.UP MAYO my friend!!!!


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