27 Aug

College Education At A Fraction Of The Cost


I have a Masters in Education and taught for 10-years in NYS public schools before taking a break to teach on Wall Street.

I believe strongly in education, it’s the foundation of my service. So when I get emails from clients like this I can’t help but highlight them.

“Jason, I got a great win today on GEVO!

In at $1.77 out at $2 for a $.23 per share profit in just three days!

I went through all your videos and I’m now reading The Candlestick Course by Steve Nison.

I just want to tell you that I have been to several seminars and never received clear direction on how to win on Wall Street.

You have revived the passion I once had for trading stocks!

join now smallYour courses and direction are worth a college education at a fraction of the cost!

Thanks JB!” ~ Joshua A.


  1. Troy Rogula

    Jason, I was reading through your FAQ section and was trying to figure out what my total costs would be by joining your service. It looks as though I would need your quarterly service ($300/qtr), Finviz Elite ($40/mo.), and Etrade Pro ($9.99/trade…$300/mo. if I make 30 trades). So assuming I make 30 trades per month, I’m looking at an annual cost of about $5,300.00. If I’m starting with a small initial investment(was planning on $10,000), this cost seems high and looks to me this is geared more toward someone with $50,000 to $100,000 to start with. Am I missing something here (I hope!), or is this about what to expect?

    • Jason Bond

      Hi Troy, you don’t need Finviz and you don’t need E*TRADE PRO, those are just recommended services for people looking for ideas. I have lots of clients with $5k and others with millions. It’s not about having just as much as me but about your goals and whether the strategy helps you build your portfolio.

  2. Troy

    Thanks for the quick response! But I will need some kind of trading platform, correct?…and most seem to charge around the $10/trade range. I don’t have a problem paying the money, especially if I’m learning as I go. Just seems my profits will be fairly limited in the beginning due to all the fees I will be paying. I’ve done a lot of research about you and I know you are for real, so please don’t take any of this the wrong way. Just trying to figure out my costs before I jump in.

    Looking forward to joining your team!

    • Jason Bond

      Sure thing. Yes, you’ll need a broker and I think all beginners who can get Think or Swim’s paperMoney to start is a great place to learn while risking nothing but my fee and your time.


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