27 Aug

How To Trade Without Fear


One of the biggest lessons I try to teach clients is trade without fear.

Confidence comes from having a winning strategy which allows you to overcome losses.

Everyone who trades losses but you must have a winning strategy so you win more than you lose and make money.

For example, I have 114 wins in 2013 but I also have 46 losses. That’s a 71.25% win rate so I lose 28.75% of the time.

I have a predefined target on my wins (5-10%) and keep my losses small (1-3%). This is how I’ve made $136,613 in 2013 +42% versus the S&P 500 +15%.

So again, learn to focus on your strategy, refine it as you go, trade without fear and build your portfolio. Trust me, having a winning strategy to lean on makes trading much more pleasurable.

“I am really building confidence and learning so much Jason. I am thinking and swimming on TD. In late with GEVO at $1.86 out early today at $2 with a total of 10,500 shares and +$1,470. My confidence is building. What is really cool is I am not afraid to lose anymore. I have lost up to $10,000 twice and I have confidently built it back up even with small conservative trades twice now. Keep up the great teaching. I plan on going full time next year, this feeds my adrenaline junky mindset. Just fantastic. What is so great are all the doubters.” ~ David B.

join now smallDon’t have a strategy yet? Why bother starting from scratch? I make my living teaching one. JOIN TODAY and more about my winning strategy.


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