15 Apr

Everyone Swings And Misses, That’s Why You Get 3 Strikes



A little over a week ago, I wrote you and was frustrated because my account was going down and i felt like every trade I got in went against me.  Over the past weekend I took a break, refocused and started a new week.  I made 9 trades (buys and sells) starting on Monday 4/8 and finished Friday 4/12.  

Out of 9 trades, 7 were winners.  The two losers were KWK and BAA, but minimized my losses.  Here a few of my big wins:

SWHC = 2.7%

RAD = 11% (earnings)

MCP = 3.2%

GLUU = 4%

I had a great week by finishing up $3,983.94.  That was a great feeling to finish the week up almost $4000.  

Thank you for an amazing service.  I realized that being at work is hard to do day trading because I have to be on top of things.  I did mainly all swing trades this week.  I appreciate your help and great picks.  I hope more come next week.


Ben R.”


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