10 Dec



Each December I run a unique holiday offer. Last year it was a detailed workshop called The Basics of Swing Trading which was so popular I ran it twice, recorded it both times and had all the most popular topics produced by a professional which now sells quite nicely as a HD download in my store for $497.

So what’s in store this year?

Well, let me tell you it’s by far my best offer yet, I’m positive!

January 2013 marks my second full year away from my 10-year career teaching in public education to teach on Wall Street. What I’ve learned in that time is that spending time with clients to help them improve their trading is quite possibly one of the most important deals I can offer.

The next 100 clients (87 remain) (63 remain) (47 remain) (39 remain) (17 remain) will be in my 1st EVER mentor group which will run for the first 3 months of 2013 i.e. start the first quarter right with Jason Bond Picks.

Plus NOW is a great time to sign up, because I’m going to run a massive member affiliate contest in January and when you see the HUGE CASH prizes I’m giving away this time, it makes my last member affiliate contest where I gave away a 55″ HDTV, 11″ MacBook Air and The new iPad look like a joke in comparison. If you’re looking for cash to start your 2013 right, this member affiliate contest I’m running in January could really help you out. But you can’t participate unless you’re a member.

Now I say this all the time but people always wait until it’s sold out… SEATS ARE LIMITED to 100 (87 remain) (63 remain) (47 remain) (39 remain) (17 remain) and if it’s like any of my other offers, my guess is that it will sell out before the end of the month. There will be no other offers until the end of February.

I will collect your emails as you sign up and create a separate list, once it’s full, it’s full and there will be no exceptions. We will meet regularly as a small group across the first quarter of 2013 and I will personally make it my mission to teach not only how I just made $22,500 in the last month with 16 wins and 1 loss – verified, but also show you my biggest mistakes in 2011 and 2012 so you can avoid them. Why am I willing to spend countless hours with a small group in the first quarter of 2013 for the same price I charge everyone else? Because I believe strongly there’s a direct correlation between the amount of time I spend with a client and their success. See what I’ve found is that many of my clients from last year’s holiday offer are STILL clients… what that tells me is the 16 hours we spent in The Basics of Swing Trading workshop gave them the foundation to be successful, there’s no other explanation why the retention of that 120 member group is so high. This mentor group aims to accomplish the same success rate and to make this ever better, you’re going to get The Basics of Swing Trading workshop which retails for $497 for FREE!

Bottom line is, if you are willing to take this offer it shows a commitment to me and an investment in yourself. I in turn will put in the extra hours to teach you everything you need to be a proficient swing trader and through regular meetings we’ll be able to monitor your progress, identify areas of weakness and harness strengths. I believe in my heart this will be an extremely successful endeavor for both of us. My webcasting software is state of the art; it’s essentially an online classroom. This will be interactive so if you’d like to use a microphone to engage in the meetings please add one to your holiday gift list. I have a Masters of Education and taught for 10 years in NYS public schools before leaving to teach on Wall Street. I feel strongly I’m qualified to lead this focus group to success so if you are willing to make the commitment to me, then reserve your seat today.

You will NOT need to attend every meeting… this is a mentor group and there will be many scheduled meetings for the 100 (87 remain) (63 remain) (47 remain) (39 remain) (17 remain) who take this offer. I will assign you homework and we will take on Wall Street together. Once the holiday offer sells out I’ll email all 100 with the proposed schedule for 2013.

I’ve only made 17 trades in the last month and 16 were winners with 1 loser for just under $23,000 in profit. I’ve never run an offer that has not sold out ahead of the deadline and I think that’s because my swing trading system I’ve designed is not only effective but easy to learn, duplicate and capitalize on. Join me today and see for yourself. I will keep you posted on seats remaining (87 as of December 10th) (63 as of December 16th) (47 as of December 19th) (39 as of December 26th) (17 as of December 27th) but either way it will be closed at the end of the month. There are no other offers until the end of February.

I’m positive this will make a big impact on your success swing trading Wall Street. There are over 300 traders in my chat daily, it’s the biggest on Wall Street and thousands of traders use my system each week. I attribute my success as a teacher on Wall Street to my relentless approach to teaching a strategy that works and making sure my clients are successful, that’s why I truly believe my first ever focus group will accelerate the learning process. Unlike most newsletters, I not only put my money where my mouth, verifying all of my swing trades, answer all of my emails but also work directly with clients through deals like this to increase your odds of beating Wall Street. Please don’t take my word for it though, these are REAL testimonials and I’m positive if you work with me in the first quarter of 2013, you’ll see results too. I do one thing and I believe I do it well, teach swing trading!

“Well Jason if I was wearing a hat right now. I would take it off, hats off to you. I was skeptical to try out your service but then was interested in the video lessons anyway so gave it a go. Watched and learned for 2 days, 3rd day of my subscription I made my subscription money back several times over. Now I am looking to make enough money to pay for your life time service. Thanks a lot, appreciate it.” ~ Anmol S.


  1. Cesar Rivera

    all signed up

  2. Victoria

    I’m already a member can I join the mentor group? I think I need homework to really reinforce the learning from the videos….thank you for your consideration.

  3. Charles Lynch

    Hi Jason – My membership just ended on Dec 28.

    With all the distractions of XMAS I got behind in seriously considering your
    Mentoring Program for $497.

    Can I still join? I still see availibility for 17 more spots open.
    If that’s still true I want in.

    Thank You

    • Jason Bond

      Hello Charles. Billing is automatic so your’s appeared to recur overnight. Give me an email and we can discuss that group but it’s not $497, that’s the cost of my 8-hour instructional DVD for non-subscribers. Cheers and thanks for being a client.

  4. DaleGlazebrook

    I’ve been tooling around your site most of the afternoon (pacific time) checking you out and whatnot.I’ve been looking for a swing trading strategy that I can get my head around since I am fairly new to trading. I came across this holiday offer with an hour and a half to go on the timer and 17 seats left so figured if not now, when. Looking forward to be in your mentor group and learning all I can about swing trading.

    • Jason Bond

      Yes you can sign up still though it did sell out a few days back. We’ll get started later this week.

  5. alex j

    Are there any seats left in your mentor group, I would like to join up.
    Alex J

    • Jason Bond

      It sold out before January 1, there’s 120 in the group and there were 150 sitting in the first session. At this point you’re welcome to shadow the group but we did already start. Meet 3x a week.

  6. Laurie

    Hey Jason, can I shadow the group as well if I sign up for a membership?

    • Jason Bond



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