31 Jul

I Just Traded 9/10 Across 10 Days For $7,681 In Profit – While On Vacation


I’ve been on vacation in the Gulf Coast of Florida for the last 10 days but I still managed to lock in one of my best weeks since starting this premium newsletter back in March.

First I nailed POTG short and then turned around and played it long off support illustrating my ability to read the chart. Then I picked up about $2,000 on my PPRTF long alert. MCZ was my only loss for about $1,100 before I ripped off six winners in a row including DOGO, SLLN, CAPB, SHMX, ZERO and my bold short call of SAPX through two PR’s and one promo before it broke $3 support. And members who held one extra day saw shares drop another $.75 which means I left over $4k on the table.

Other highlights include my CAPB trade which was for almost 1,000% while SHMX scored an easy 100% from $.04 t0 $.08 (I locked it in from $.04 to $.07).

So if you’re questioning my ability to trade since I started in March, I think this past week proves I can get it done, even while drinking Corona’s on the beach of Florida.

Bottom line is this, I started this newsletter back in March, just 4 short months ago. Since then I have had my fair share of ups and downs but one thing is for certain folks… I plan to make PSL the #1 stop for swing trading penny stocks under $10 long and short.

Not only will my trading continue to improve, but you can expect communication to get better as well. At the end of the day the biggest thing I can offer you is education. If I can do it so can you, it just takes effort on your part.


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