31 Jul

PennyStockLive Subscribers See 100% On My SHMX Alert – I Hope You Cashed In!


Alerted on Wednesday 7/27/11 at $.04, PSL subscribers scored big on SHMX in just 1 day as shares traded as high as $.08 on Thursday 7/28/11 on enormous volume.

People tend to be skeptical of any alert service that charges money but the proof is in the trade alerts. SHMX went out by text message and email on Wednesday as I accumulated shares between $.04 and $.044 before cashing in at $.07 the next day for about $1,000 in profits.

And volume Thursday was extraordinary leaving ample opportunity for my subscribers to cash in – something most alert services lie about regularly.

So if you missed SHMX because you only read my free material, it’s a clear cut case of how my service works. And because I’ve hit 90% on my recent trades including one for 1000%, it’s obvious there is value if you apply what I’m teaching.


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