6 Mar

It Is Not An Issue Losing On A Trade, What Matters Is HOW YOU GET BACK!


I’ve been knocked down quite a few times in my life. From being buried in debt to losing huge on trades or failing at one business after another, I’ve had more than the normal share of setbacks.

Let’s be honest, everyone gets knocked down in life and the more and bigger risks you take, the more you will get knocked down. At the end of the day though, the ONLY thing that matters is how you get back.

You might call it cliche but it’s not… I went from being buried alive in debt to no debt and running a multi-million dollar newsletter with thousands of clients and I don’t just teach them how to trade but more importantly, how to get back after getting knocked down because if you’re going to trade, expect to get knocked down. It’s a humbling game trading is, but a great way to make extra income. Check out Erwin’s story, it’s awesome!

“Hi Jason,

I’m Erwin and based in Switzerland. I joined your service on 31 December 2012 (as a New Year present to myself!).

I had been watching your website for over 6 months already and liked it a lot. It just never happened to sign up due to other stuff.

Anyway I’m glad I took the decision to join and I knew it would be good.

I had a very rough start because I seemed to do it all wrong. Restudying your material over and over allowed me to get back on track and my 20% loss of the first month was break even by end of February.

Today was my best day ever (of course the markets played a bit in my favor as well) but still I realized today the following profits:

NUGT: + 0.49 +4,900
SKUL: + 0.26 +2,600
ACI: + 0.21 +2,100
MCP: +0.24 +2,400

That is a rounded $12,000!! I’m done for today. They will not take anything back today!

I’m still in GEVO and will hold on to that.

So today I’m in large profit even if I take out my subscription for the next two years!

I learned so much in two months and am really thankful for that Jason.

My preferred lesson so far:

It is not an issue losing on a trade what matters is HOW YOU GET BACK!

Thanks a lot and I wish you many happy customers like me!

Best regards,”

~ Erwin D.


  1. HarryFischer

    Thanks for sharing your story Erwin, your correct you cant win all the time.

    Babe Ruth had more strike outs then home runs but he became the all time leader….

  2. D MarkAsbell

    I have had a very similar experience so far and this is a great reminder to apply the lessons with discipline and keep getting back up! Thanks for sharing.


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