6 Mar

Soon To Retire Grandma Sets A Goal And Is Up $27,000 In 2-Months


I teach thousands of investors everything I know about trading. I consider my clients family and when I mess up it’s a heavy burden I carry. I work more hours in a week than most do in a month to make sure I don’t mess up and deliver the highest quality service for my fee.

Emails like the one you’re about to read below mean more to me than any profit I could ever make because it tells me I’m doing good in the world. I’ve always said I never stopped teaching when I left public schools for Wall Street, the only thing that has changed is my audience. This email a client sent over is beautiful and means the world to me and don’t worry Deb, I have at least another year in me.


I really appreciate your service.  I am a grandma who is looking to retire at the end of this year to spend more time with my husband who is retired.  I want to replace my part time income of $40,000 per year. So, my goal is $4,000 per month thinking that we will travel a little and I will not always be able to make that target.  So far – January profit over $12,000, February profit over $15,000.  I am caught in a couple of trades right now, all my own fault as my entries are always a little behind you and I don’t always move fast enough as I get the info at work.  Having said that, I could never do this on my own and very happy with your service and the continuous improvement you bring to it.  This newest improvement will fit me to a tee.  Sometimes I see you get miffed at some people in chat – please don’t decide that you have made enough money and this is too much hassle for at least another year.  It will take me that long to be confident on my own.  Those guys are jokers and want everything for free without spending the time to learn!  Just kick them out of chat and keep going!

Thanks so much!” ~ Deb C.


  1. HarryFischer

    Awesome story Deb, your right some expect a free ride or others to do the work…short term gain without pain never lasts…everyone has to pay their dues…share some of your travel stories!!!!!

  2. RandallPollock



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