14 Nov

Jason Bond Picks 2013 Monthly Performance


Jason Bond Picks is…

  • Designed to make money without being chained to your computer all day
  • Perfect for working professionals without the time to day trade but still want to actively trade the market
  • 3 – 5 swing trade alerts per week with 1 – 4 day hold times
  • Stocks listed on a national exchange between $1 – $10 with a market cap between $50 million – $2 billion
  • Conservative 5 – 10%, rinse and repeat
  • All entries and exits in real time by email, text and chat
  • Works with small accounts but is scalable for fat cats
  • Goal is $50,000 a year in profits
  • Nightly watch list and full access to education suite

2013 Performance +81.91% +$256,630

  • January +8.30% +$26,364
  • February +8.45% +$26,720
  • March +4.76% +24,230
  • April +5.90% +$16,970
  • May +5.39% +$25,392
  • June -4.31% -$16,327
  • July +4.06% +$16,393
  • August +6.83% +$25,871
  • September +8.60% +$41,920
  • October +10.22% +$47,795
  • November +4.02% +$20,752
  • December (TBD)

Versus the S&P 500

jbp vs spx

jbp monthly vs spx



  1. paul

    The performance records show a +% and dollar earnings but how much is needed in the trading account to get those results? I’m doing math it has to be over $250,000? How about showing an example of a $25,000 account with a money management %risked for each trade?

    • Jason Bond

      Just do +% on your balance for a hypothetical. 100% on $25,000 is $50,000. Takes money to make money in this business. Anyone telling you their getting 1,000% returns is probably not telling the truth, right? Since the best hedge funds in the world do about 30% year in and year out.

  2. James D McEachern

    What % is ETF trades? What is the average position size?

  3. shairafzal

    hi jason bond can you tell me about position sizing. how many stocks you hold at a time. and how many percent do you allocate to each trade


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