8 Oct

Jason Bond Picks Service Update


Hi guys and gals, please read all of this, it’s important.

So far this year I’ve made +163% +$152,823 trading and while most would be extremely excited, I honestly get more gratification when clients email me notices like Jesse and Dino did today.

“Hi Jason I bought 4,000 shares of WGBS @ $1.56 under your advice and sold @ $2.40 made $3,360 just want to say thanks again.” ~ Jesse S.

“JB, I sold my WGBS swing trade this morning for a $1,026 profit. I would not have known about this opportunity if it weren’t for you and Phil, I am trading with a small account and this was a huge win for me. Thanks for the great service.” ~ Dino G.

I’m extremely motivated to be a better trader and even more motivated to TEACH it better than I am now. So I met with a handful of long time Jason Bond Picks clients, clients who have been around since inception about 4 years ago and here’s the sweeping changes I’m making to be a better trader and more importantly, a better teacher of trading so I can serve you.


This service has grown faster than I expected in the first few months. The feedback has been excellent and I’m taking it 3 steps further today.

  • Options trading education and real time alerts. Starting today I’m not only teaching options trading but also putting my money where my mouth is. My mentor and I will be teaching mentor clients an income strategy that has a proven 90% success rate. A service like this alone would cost between $1,000 – $2,000 yearly, now included in the mentor service. My mentor, who taught me everything I know about trading small caps, has taken a few graduate courses in options.
  • learn moreThe Jason Bond Picks store will be online this weekend. The store will start with 2 DVDs, priced at $1,000 each, included with the mentor service. Upon joining the mentor service, these DVDs are yours for life. There will be 10 DVD total in the next 10 months, all priced at $1,000 each. FREE with the mentor service.
  • Finally. I will NEVER discount the mentor service, it’s a lot of work for me. That said, all clients in the mentor service by Saturday receive 2 extra months, a big savings of $1,300. That’s right, if you’re already a mentor client, Saturday you’ll see 2 months added to your service, FREE of charge. Those not in the mentor service who join before Saturday receive the same.

A full year of Active Trading and Swing Trading are included with the purchase of the mentor service.

Active Trading

  • Nothing changes here, the feedback was excellent.

Swing Trading

Here’s my trades since making this a swing trading newsletter with flexible entries and exits.

BAS for +15% +$5,400 8/24 – 8/27

XIV for +8% +$1,950 9/2 – 9/3

GLUU for +4% +$1,700 8/27 – 9/3

BAS for +5% +$2,000 9/15 – 9/16

TVIX for +14% +$5,000 9/29 – 9/30 (short sale)

Feedback from my long time clients resulted in these 3 changes.

  • Watch list instead of in the morning. The general thought was busy professionals don’t have the time to check it in the morning. Trades need to be planned out further in advance.
  • A few more trades each week, currently we’re average 1 so we’ll ramp that to 1-3.
  • And since we’ll be doing a few more trades each week, the watch list will come daily from now on covering a little market sentiment and the trades we’re looking at in addition to reviewing the trades we’re in.

So that’s the future of Jason Bond Picks.

I encourage you to SUBSCRIBE NOW to whatever services best meet your needs. My job is to constantly collect feedback and make them better, which I’ll never stop doing as long as I’m teaching trading.

And remember, if you’re in the mentor service by Saturday I’m giving you 2 FREE months, a value of $1,300.

Your Teacher of Trading,

Jason Bond


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