18 Jun

Long Term Picks Start In July 2012


If I initiate a long term pick, a research report will be posted here. I’m thinking 1-3 long term picks per month with 1 month to 1 year hold times. Over the past 15 months I’ve watched many of my best oversold swing trades turn into excellent long term trades producing 100% and even 500% returns. Think of GLUU back in October 2011 at $1.80 currently $4.79 or ARNA back in November 2011 at $1.40 currently $9.40. The list goes on and on so remember, some of the best day trades turn into better swing trades and even better long term holds, you just need to know which stocks to keep and which to let go and I aim to lead by example.


  1. JacquesGoudreault

    Makes a lot of sense. It’s all covered, day, swing and long, I like it.

  2. MarkL

    Number ONE on the web, this is not an ambition any more, but close becoming a reality!

  3. jamesyoon

    Best Service out there!!! i’ve tried a few others and no one compares! JB always looking out for us and not only himself!!

  4. Anthony

    I like this new approach to trading. Great for those of us who cannot be in “chat” most of the time due to work schedules! Thanks!


  5. MichaelSt. Ores

    This is exactly the strategy which I was trying to visualize in my own limited experience. Thanks so much for taking the lead!

  6. carlh

    Like this idea a lot. But why isn’t NNVC here yet?

    • Jason Bond

      It goes in after the purchase 8)

    • carlh.

      Oh…ok…thought you were in.

      thanx JB

  7. DavidKauffman


  8. Young

    Jason, I like the long term picks. I can use it for IRA account stock picks.. Thumbs UP on the idea.

    • Jason Bond

      Thanks Young, we’ll get them started as soon as I return from vacation and settle in, probably the week of the 22nd.


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