22 Jun

Monday June 22, 2015


Here’s a breakdown of last week and the portfolio.

Picked up a nice win last week +13% +$2,600 profit on the JNUG trade.

DGLY also moved up nicely last week after Rodman & Renshaw put a $24 price target on it. I’m looking for $16’s on the exit or about 20%+ and think we might see it this week given the big move in U.S. stock futures.

Speaking of U.S. stock futures, markets are cranking on the prospect of a Greek deal. Overall I’m very bullish on stocks because they tend to perform very well heading into an election year.

Right now I expect FNMA to be a very long term hold. I’m betting the government will eventually release their conservatorship and thus allowing profits to be returned to the shareholders. If that were ever the case shares would trade significantly higher than they do today.

LQMT is also a longer term hold for me, doubt as long as FNMA but willing to stick with it until I see a sizable return. Look for AAPL product launches to be the driver here, specifically the iPhone. More of a story stock that often catches big media coverage and who knows, maybe they finally drop some real news for a change.

Picked up some ERX in the $52’s Friday and plan to double up on a dip under $50.

With about $80,000 in the market I’m pretty comfortable with these 4 positions and not looking to add anything until I button something up. If all goes as planned both DGLY and ERX will pay this week.

I’m doing updates / new watch lists every other day now so I’ll be in touch again Tuesday or Wednesday.



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