25 Jun

Thursday June 25, 2015


Good morning,

Outside of JNUG there’s nothing else on the long term watch list heading into the end of the week. We’ve hit 2 in a row now for +$4,000 profit and I’m really happy with the 3 open positions in the portfolio. For JNUG let’s look for entry between $20 – $21 with a goal of $24 on the trade. It’s rounding out here above $20 which should be a good place to jump back in soon.

Here’s a few updates.

DGLY had a few upgrades recently in the $20’s so we’ll continue to ride this trade to the $16’s at least. Good chance I’ll add 1,000 shares soon to this position.

FNMA will probably be the longest hold in the portfolio because I think it has huge upside potential if they get released from their conservatorship which there’s ongoing debate about weekly. Big money has bet this long and they’ll be lobbying with the government for sure. This could be a 10 bagger if I’m right and I don’t toss that out frivolously. My long term pick on AAMRQ in the $1’s turned into a 10 bagger when the DOJ dropped the antitrust case, just as I predicted. I bet something similar takes place here but could be a long wait, which I’m willing to do.

LQMT put out an 8-k Tuesday evening which shot our position +15% +$3,000 Wednesday. Sure I could have taken the win but I suspect this could be closer to a 50-100% gain soon, so I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. Here’s the 8-k that reveals Apple has extended their license and here’s a few outlets already speculating on why. Read more at Zacks and Apple Insider. I’m sure Forbes and other financial outlets will report on this too, especially as Apple comes closer to releasing the iPhone 7 etc…

Things are looking good for this passive swing trading / long term portfolio strategy which makes me very excited this service will be around for many years to come.

I’ll keep you posted if I grab some JNUG shares soon. Probably scale in with 1,000 and add more in the $19’s if it gets there.

Your Long Term Trader,

Jason Bond


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