2 Aug

No Magic Tricks, This Swing Trade Strategy Simply Works!


Wednesday I hit a nice win on my swing trade alert James River Coal (NASDAQ:JRCC). In at $2.01 and out into strength my clients and I locked up another win. Nothing flashy, just the same strategy I’ve been using week in and week out for over a year. A strategy that has delivered more than $50,000 a year in profits which is exactly what I advertise, without being chained to your computer.

Do I have losers? You betcha! Have I made mistakes I’ve learned from… you better believe it. Do I win more than I lose? Absolutely!!! There’s no magic tricks here… it’s not a scam and I don’t promise anything… but if you apply yourself I’m confident I can definitely make you a better trader… isn’t that the job of a teacher anyway?!

JB, I’m new here and would like to say thanks for JRCC! in @ $2.15 out @ $2.40  +$1,149.63 ~ Marcos

Jason, thanks again! In JRCC @ $2.24 – out @ 2.40. $800 to the good. ~ Thomas

Trailing stop kicked in on JRCC…stopped out with a 9.3% profit or $3,050 from yesterday. Thanks JB ~ Eric

Well I paid myself JRCC in $2.09 out $2.26 +1,100 in just a few minutes…thanks JB good pick!! ~ Meg

We stalked this trade for a few days before jumping in… here is the watch list analysis I had sent clients. Note I bought at $2.01… see how clear I am with my plans when communicating with subscribers?

Friday July 27, 2012: “Candle over candle Thursday JRCC opened at $1.75 and stayed there all day for the most part. 27% of the float is short here and usually I’m looking for about that much to trigger a squeeze in the right conditions. Key an open above $1.78 to signal a potential run to the low $2′s.”

Monday July 30, 2012: “Coal has been beat down as has this company, given that PCX is now out of the question having gone bankrupt, I’d be looking for JRCC to head higher, especially if natural gas climbs.”

Tuesday July 31, 2012: “JRCC – I really like JRCC down here. Was very close to buying and alerting this swing Monday but figured I’d give it one more day to make sure it opens and takes out $2 confirming a possible trend higher.”


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