21 May

Penny Stock Watch For Tuesday May 22, 2012


PEIX candle over candle with $.53 as a tight stop. Resistance at $.70 and $.80 makes this a good swing if it can finally hold a trend.

WAVX  nice move off the bottom Monday with no major resistance until $1.24 should it hold trend. Classic video lesson 1 here.

JASO up 11% today isn’t my favorite, hate chasing but think $1.25 is reasonable on the swing so I’m watching for a key break of $1.

NNVC I’m on the bid for 50,000 shares just above $.56, we’ll see if it gets there. If it turns on me, I’ll consider moving my bid up.

MCZ candle over candle Monday gives a tight stop at Friday’s low, oversold and good room to run to $.55 before resistance.

1 Comment

  1. Shermanalford

    jb acc builders is great us with small accounts trying to get back up &rolling keep up the good work ; i know we pay you for this service but in my opinion you give us our money’s worth plus a lot more i thank you for dedication & your communication with us as traders&students THANKS AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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