23 May

Spotting The Next JAMN And LEXG Pump… First


Scouting penny stocks is what I do, day and night, you could say it’s become my life. But it wasn’t always that way…my weekends used to be filled with things like heading downtown or playing poker while killing brain cells with Sam Adams. But I’ve given all that up you see, or at least mostly because lately I’ve become obsessed with winning percentages, profits and teaching others how I’ve managed to win in a game where 90% of those who try, lose.

My subscribers will tell you, it’s a no holds barred approach to trading, guerrilla warfare in the financial gutter of Wall Street where digging through the mud and muck is the only way to lock in gains over and over. That’s why I’m a regular on every message board there is because while loaded with pumpers, spammers, suckers and scammers…those places are the best for filtering out little gold nuggets like my TBBC alert at $1.21 per share on 5/10/11.

Yes, I even alerted this one before Richard Appel of PrePromo, which is not each to do considering his keen eye for pumps.

So if for whatever reason you’ve been living under a rock and not profiting from blatant stock manipulation that exists regularly on stocks under $5 like JAMN, LEXG, ALZM, KNKT, ESYL, SFIO, PLPE and OMPG – maybe TPPC can be your first rodeo.

But let me warn you, be careful, even if you know what you’re doing you can get burned bad like I did on ESYL and LEXG, oh those still pain me to think about.

But I don’t forget my lessons, remember, I taught for ten years which is a lot of ongoing assessment. That’s why I took my profits early on TBBC trading it like a sissy…even though many of my members are still riding this profit monster.

Yes I’ll probably jump back in TBBC at some point which is why it’s on my watch list daily but the goal will always be the same…look to grab a quick 10% like I did with JAMN recently – details of which can be seen here on this 1 minute chart for JAMN where I made over $2,000 trading it right 3 out of 4 times on May 12th. The only important think you should notice there is how the stock dropped $2 dollars in 30 minutes that day.

See getting caught near the flush is like s swift kick in the nuts and the only way to avoid the flush is to trade conservatively and get out at the first sign of weakness. It’s worked for me and it can work for you too but you’ll need to study the charts and level II so you know when ride the profits and when to fold your hand.


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